BrainLabs GmbH, Brandstrasse 25, 8952 Schlieren, Switzerland, CHE-138.884.414 ("BrainLabs") has developed a Social-Table Concept and Marketplace called Drool ("Drool"). Under the brand "Drool", BrainLabs offers gastronomy, hotel, and event business entrepreneurs ("Partners") the opportunity to develop their own Social-Table creations ("Social-Tables") online and offer those to their guests on the marketplace. Interested users ("Users") can book and pay for tickets for these Social-Tables online and thereafter participate in them.
To use Drool, the Partner must register itself on Drool. The registration is verified by BrainLabs. BrainLabs may deny the registration without any reason.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions as set out above, the Partner may create Social-Tables on Drool and offer them to the Users. In this connection, the following principles apply:
BrainLabs endeavors to make available to the Partner from time to time anonymized data and statistics on the Users' behavior on Drool. BrainLabs assumes no obligations in this regard.
BrainLabs makes available to the Users and the Partners a Chat Box that enables communication between the User and BrainLabs or the Partner and BrainLabs.
The Partner represents and warrants to BrainLabs that it